Course Post

Tech Trouble…

Today the class moved into the technology lab. Before we had the students enter, Ms. Burns and I tested out many ways to get demo images to the lab. We could not use flash drives, since the students’ do not have flash drives on hand. We could not use the...

Analyzing Pinterest Boards

Students are at the point where they need to analyze their collection of pins (or posts) on their Pinterest boards. They were to find images, take photos themselves, or draw images. Previously, they were asked to complete an aesthetics and identity homework handout. Writing and then finding visuals depicting characteristics...

Busy with Project 1 Structure

Lots of work was completed today regarding the structure of the the Scrabble Tile jewelry. Ms. Burns provided two handouts on the project. You can find them both here: Handout1 and Handout2. These two handouts show how to construct tile jewelry, materials, techniques, and helpful tips. The students are working...

Hands-On with Project 1

The first jewelry project is “Scrabble Tile Jewelry.” I had never heard of this type of jewelry before, but I am amazed at how creative and beautiful the examples are! It all starts with little wooden tiles—basically the size of Scrabble letter tiles. Ms. Burns provides the students with pre-made wooden...

Working with Pinterest

Pinterest is a great website to build a design, creative, conceptual board. I would highly recommend using it with students. They can see all their visual examples quickly and make associations during their design (and artistic) process. We introduced it at the beginning of the semester, but we soon found out...

What is identity and branding?

Today’s class was filled with lots of information on identity and branding. What is identity design? What is a brand? How are the Design Elements and Principles utilized to visually describe a brand? These questions and more were asked, discussed and answered during our lecture. Visuals were used including many...

Continued Aesthetics

Initially students were blocked to Pinterest by IT. Some students jumped on their smartphones and worked on their boards. They easily understood the homework categories writing and photographing items for their boards. Other students needed more explanation on what some of the categories meant, such as heredity, contemporary and past...

Day One: What is Aesthetics?

Students created name tags. Use of creativity to help everyone learn everyone’s name. Introduced myself and what are aesthetics? The concept of what are one’s aesthetics was introduced to the students. This helped them understand who they are, what they like/dislike and how to take that information and develop designs around the...